Cinquante nuances de bien-être

Discover my radio show on Radio Victoria. Over 30+ episodes available as podcasts where I discuss nutrition, mental health, love, life…what else? This is a radio show that I host in Victoria, BC in French!

Click on the image to the left to visit the full library of episodes.

Pour nos amis francophones, nos rendez-vous sont dispos en français si vous le souhaitez!

Folks Around The World

During the pandemic, I launched my own talk show where I interviewed about 20 people. I chose my folks from around the world. They each have their own unique story and perspective on life. It was a pleasure to chat so open-heartedly with them and an honour to have them share their lives with us. We spoke to people from all walks of life: Chefs, dog rescuers, poets, killer whale activitists, lawyers, first-nation artists…

To check-out these videos, click on the image to the right.


Introduction to Peri-Menopause

Peri-Menopause + Emotions

What is Peri-Menopause and how long does it last? Let’s chat about it in this 2 minute video clip. If you need extra support, I am here!

Let’s explore the full spectrum of emotions during this transtitional period! If this 2 minute video clip speaks to you, I can help!

For more information on our one-on-one Signature Programs, click here.

To attend one of our group workshops in Victoria, BC, click here!